Fancy seeing you here again!
Today is day 3 of our 30 day challenge, and it’s all about reflecting.
As we talked about yesterday, gratitude is the key to happiness, and part of being grateful is reflecting on everything in your life.
If gratitude brings happiness then reflection brings gratitude.
Reflecting on our lives, and ultimately each day is highly important when trying to make sense of all the craziness swirling around in our minds. We often go over and over the same event trying to make sense of things, and today’s challenge is meant to help us figure shit out in a productive way.
We all have a lot going on in our lives: dating, working, trying to have a social life, exercising, maintain our family lives, paying our bills, and the list goes on. No wonder why we can’t turn off at the end of the day. Being an adult is hard work, and there’s a lot we are responsible for.
However, we need to turn off our phones, disconnect from the distractions of social media, and connect to the most important person in our lives, ourselves!
At the end of every day for the next 27 days, take at least 5 minutes to journal about what’s going on inside of your brain, whats happening in your life, or whatever.
There’s no right or wrong way to do this.
Taking time out of your day, specifically at the end of the day, will help you quiet the crazy in your mind, remove a mental file, and allow you to process all different types of events, occurrences, and interactions in a much more constructive and critical way.
If you have a hard time sleeping, as I do, I can almost promise this will help you fall asleep much easier and faster. It’s incredible how different I feel when I journal before bed compared to when I don’t.
I promise that if you just start writing, things will come up.
Think of it like writing a paper in college. You started with a topic in mind, and by the end of your paper you should’ve come to a new thought, which was your conclusion. It’s the same idea, but even more productive because it’s about your own life.
Lastly, make sure you end your journal with some sort of self loving message like: XO, Love Yourself, Love, You’re Awesome, etc. I know this sounds a little ridiculous, but it’s incredibly important to start loving yourself. If you can’t even write this down then you’re definitely not making choices that say you care about yourself.
Dear Journal,
Today I woke up early and exercised. I got to work a little late, but it wasn’t as big of a deal as I was worried about, and everything was fine. I had a big presentation that went really well, and I’m pumped it’s done. I think I killed it. Got out early. Headed to the gym, and had a killer workout. Went straight home, made dinner, and now I’m just finishing up the day by doing this. Feels good to just write. Glad I’m doing this.
Love Yourself,
- Woke up
- Went to the gym
- Normal day at work
- Met up with Stacie for a drink
- Saw the craziest thing on the subway
- Made dinner
- Bed Time
You’re The Bomb,
Feeling / Emotional
Today was a really amazing day. I don’t know what has shifted, but something has definitely changed. I feel like I’m really getting my shit together, and the universe is hearing everything I’ve been asking for. I met this amazing guy. He’s handsome, smart, and really understands me. I’m not going to rush anything, but it feels special. I’m excited to see where this goes, and I’m excited to continue on this path of being a better version of myself. Life feels like its all coming together, and Im super grateful.
Am I Happy?
Well, up until recently I thought I was super happy, but then I signed up for this 30 day challenge this awesome blogger is doing for the new year, and I’m not so sure now. I mean my life is fine, but it isn’t great, and I don’t love work, but thats normal, right? I think so, but I also know people who genuinely love what they’re doing. I think I need to really be honest with myself, and start looking for new opportunities to let my passions be a bigger part of my life. Maybe I’ll take up a drawing class, or go back to school? I’m not sure what I want to do, but I know I need to make some sort of change. This at least feels like a start. Well see what happens.
- Draw
- Write poetry
- Write music
Again, there’s no right or wrong way to do this, just let yourself talk to yourself, and reflect on the day. It’s beyond cathartic, and you will find you're way less stressed out about everything going on in your life.
Personally, I’ve journaled since I was 12, but it was an on-again-off-again type of thing. However, a little over 3 years ago, I really got back into it, and that’s when I created this blog, and well the rest is history.
So remember this could seriously change your life, or just be an important part of your day. Whatever your journal becomes remember to be honest with yourself, and remain optimistic, kind, and loving.
Good luck, and enjoy the journey of journaling.